Thursday, November 25, 2010


Topic : Volume of Liquid
Learning Outcome : By the end of the activity, pupil are able to
(i) compare the volume of liquid in the same container
(ii)measure volume of container using non-standard units
Materials : saucepan, bucket, jug, cup, glass.

Procedures :
1. Teacher try to explain the term of empty, half and full by showing a jug of water which contain empty of water, half of water and full of water in the same container.
2.Students comparing the capacity of empty, half and full by showing from the video. 3.After comparing the capacity, students are divided into groups to compare the capacity of two different containers. 4. According to the video show, teacher asks students which container holds the more water, the bucket or the jugs? The saucer or the jug? Students given the answer bucket as bucket is bigger than a jug, but they are confusing about the volume of liquid in the saucer and jug. 5. So, teacher wanted students to pour the water from the saucer into the jug slowly. 6.After pouring, they make a conclusion that the water in the saucer and jug is about the same. They confuse as the saucer is wider but the jug is taller. So after the experiment, they might have the correct answer by not looking to the size of the container.
7.Teacher make the conclusion that the volume of liquid is not refer to the size of the container.

Materials : five different sizw bowls, a glass and manila card.
Prosedures :
1. Teacher guides students to compare volume of liquid using two different bowls and asks which bowl is larger and which bowl is smaller?
2.Teacher distributes students into groups and gives away five different dimensions of bowls, a glass and manila card. 3.Teacher explains each group measure the volume of glass that can fills up the bowl given. 4.Students repeat the activity by using the remaining four bowls. 5.Students record the answer in the manila card provided. 6.Teacher and students discuss the answer. 7. Teacher distributes worksheet to students as remedial pratice.


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