Sunday, November 14, 2010


Activity 3
Topic : Volume of LiquidLearning outcomes : By the end of the activity, pupils are able to
(i) Make a comparison of capacity.
(ii) Measure volume of containers using non-standard units.
Materials : Cups, A bowl, A saucepan, A small pail, A large jug. Procedures
1. First, teacher asks pupils to make comparison of capacity. Teacher shows two different size of cups with water but the amount are the same.
Teacher asks pupils question : Which cup has the most liquid?
Pupils’ answer : White cup / black cup.
2. So, to proof that the amount of liquid in each cup are the same, teacher will pour out the water
from the white cup carefully into a small pail. Then, teacher will pour the water from black cup into empty white cup.
Teacher asks : Does black cup has more, less or same amount of water with white cup?
Pupils’ answer : Same amount of water.
Teacher pours the water from white cup into black cup again to proof pupils’ answer. Pupils will understand that these two cups has same amount of water.
3. Teacher chooses another two containers, which are water jug and empty bottle. Teacher asks
pupils to predict whether the bottle can hold more, less or same amount of water with the jug.
Teacher will pour the water from the jug into the empty bottle to find out the answer.
Answer : The bottle is hold less amount of water compare with the jug.
4. Teacher divides the pupils into groups of five and encourage pupils work in their cooperative
groups. Each group will choose one pupil to be a recorder. The purpose of group activity is to
measure volume of containers using non-standard units.
5. Teacher will give each group a set of containers of different size like a cup, a bowl, a pail, a saucepan and a jug.
6. Teacher asks each group fill the containers with water using a cup and count how many cups it takes to fill each container.
7. Each group of recorder need to record their findings in the table. For example:
8. Teacher asks pupils write down their finding.
a) _______ cups of water fill up the bowl.b) _______ cups of water fill up the mug
c) _______ cups of water fill up the jug.
9. Teacher calls out one pupil from each group to present their working.
10. Teacher tells pupils that the more cups needed to fill the container, it means the largest capacity of the container
11. Teacher recomended the webpage to students.
12. Teacher encourages students to estimate how much liquid they can hold, and then measure the volume and write the findings on the page.

Activity 4
Learning Outcome : By the end of the activity, pupils are able to
(i) Compare volume of liquid using standard and non-standard units
(ii) Measure capacity using non-standard units
Materials : A set of cups, three different juice bottles, manila card, recycle plastic container.
1.Teacher distributes materials to students which they need to divide into groups.
2.Students required to pour the liquid from the juice bottles into a set of same size cups, then they need to measure it by pouring the liquid from the cups into a recycle plastic container.
3.Students continus the activity by using the other two juice bottles.
4.Teacher guides students to make comparison between the voloume of liquid in the juice bottles by using the cups provided as estimation.
5.Students from each group present their answer on the board.
6.Teacher shows a video presentation which are comparing among same container and different container volume of liquid.
7.Students easily make comparison between the same container with different volume of liquid.
8.Students sometimes confuse with the same volume of liquid in the different container.
9.As a result, they need to pour out the water from the container to make sure which container contain more water than each other.
10.Teacher encourages students using the standard and non-standard units to compare to volome of liquid.
11.Teachers distributes worksheet to students.
(a) Container A fill up with ________ cupfull of glasses.
(b) Container B and C fill up _______ cupfull of glasses.
(c) Container _______ holds milk than container B.
(d) Container C holds ______ milk than container A.
(e) Containers ______ and _______ hold the same volume of milk.


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